Riding the Post-Surgery Trail: Lessons Learned the Hard Way
In the fall of 2020 I began to get serious about understanding what was needed after the metal had been removed from my mouth. (Mind you, I still have a metal plate on my pelvis from my car accident but that plate is NOT coming out in this lifetime! 🤨) I spent countless hours trying to understand the genesis of my symptoms and illness because many people have amalgam fillings. Our every day life is filled with toxicity but there are some documented ways people have been exposed.
Amalgam fillings - these are the biggest source of mercury exposure
Vaccines and injections - obviously this one will strike a chord with many…but I can say I have been taken down with vaccines in the past and now I understand why…just another crushing blow of toxicity to my already broken body
Fish - the large ones at the top of the food chain (tuna and swordfish, for example, protect themselves with enzymes that methylate the mercury)
Environmental mercury and heavy metals - many industries have created contamination of water, soils, and foods (mining, agriculture, manufacturing)
Broken mercury-containing devices - all kinds of switches, children’s light up battery shoes, fluorescent tube lights, the list goes on and on
Medical products
Certain antiques
For me, I had exposure in many of the categories so it became clear to me that the level of toxicity was high in my body even after having the metal removed from my mouth. Now what?
I began working with a doctor who introduced me to chelation. I began to research and understand the chelating process. The word chelation comes from the Greek word for ‘claw’. How does it work? You ingest a chelating agent which will attach itself to the mercury ions in your body and work carefully to excrete it. I’m being very kind with this one sentence overview because let me tell you….it is a total rodeo to get this process down for your body, level of toxicity, and management of symptoms. But, I can tell you once you find the right amount and method for yourself, it absolutely works. Most people have the toxicity in their body, especially if they have (or have had) amalgams, but sometimes the symptoms don’t appear or will be masked by other illnesses. Many times these other illnesses are referred to as ‘auto-immune issues’. Mercury in your muscles, bones, ligaments, lungs, skin, and fat is not hurting you because these are not sensitive tissues. It is the mercury in your brain, liver, thyroid, adrenal grands and immune system cells that is hurting you because these are sensitive tissues.
Unfortunately for me, I started down a scary chelation path and was introduced to an erroneous process. I began taking oral chelation in September 2020 at large does and eventually was talked into IV chelation therapy which was not ideal for me in any way, shape, or form. If anyone recommends this path to you, RUN! Please learn from my mistakes. The dosing was too high at the oral and the IV level which meant I was ingesting too much of the chelation agent, it was binding to the mercury ions, but I couldn’t excrete those high levels. This caused the mercury to scatter across my body and impact my organs. I could feel pain, inflammation, and I even had a few psychotic episodes. Mercury loves the brain. I had no idea how to end this roller coaster and yet somehow I knew I needed to continue down the chelation path. My body needed a much smaller dose. I was clamoring for answers and help. I’m making this sound like a simple process and instead it’s VERY scientific.
Luckily my husband and I were heading to Mexico to enjoy a winter trip. I was still researching and trying to understand how to make chelation work for me. Since I knew I would have some serious beach and pool time, I ordered books for my Kindle and a few paperbacks as well. I was desperate to hear anyone’s story. Lo and behold, on this trip, I found my people. An entire population around the world who have suffered or are currently suffering from mercury toxicity. It was like I finished a marathon and they were there to hold me under their shoulders and take me to the ‘finish line’ tent for bananas, electrolytes, and protein bars. One book in particular really helped me. “The Mercury Diaries”. I emailed the author from my hotel in Mexico and he could tell I was not chelating properly. He promptly setup a Zoom call with me and helped me get on track. His story hit so close to home and he personally helped me with my future of regaining my health. I owe a lot to my friend, Danny. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 🩵
Most of my books I have loaned out and haven’t gotten them back. Here are a few, including Danny’s book, “The Mercury Diaries”.